Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Greatest American Hero

Does anyone remember this guy? My brother Treye and I do. He LOVED that show. He accidentally reminded me of it today. 

We were talking because he had to put his dog to sleep...yeah. awful. I just went through the same thing in May with my sweet Daisy. And in the course of the conversation, I said, "They don't tell you how to deal with this stuff in the manual." 

If you know about the TV show The Greatest American Hero, you know that aliens gave him the supersuit but he lost the instruction manual. He then spends the rest of the two seasons learning to use the suit by trial and error. I have to admit that my life sometimes feels like that. I look around and other people seem to know what is going on and have it all together, but I can't even find my supersuit. I'm a thinker and an intellectual and I really get frustrated sometimes by the idea that I can't read a book or do research to find out how to live the perfect life. I get frustrated that emotions don't turn on and off like a light switch. I get impatient with myself when I can't learn to "make" friendships like I make art. Where is that dingdang instruction manual when I need it? 

And then I remember....life IS trial and error. I don't wanna get to religious on you or anything, but if you are a Christian you know that that is what we are here for...to learn. Other religions believe that we have multiple lives, each designed to teach us things about how to be better people...complete with karma and all that. We are human; we make mistakes. We would EVEN if we had the manual; they aren't always that helpful. Have you ever bought something from IKEA that required assembly? The manuals are hardly enlightening. 

And the truth is this. I am actually pretty decent at this life thing. I've managed to get my children almost to adulthood without any major mishaps. I have been married almost 21 years, although most of the credit for that goes to my long-suffering husband. I'm smart and accomplished. I have a multitude of talents. And no matter what my shortcomings might be, I'm a terrific friend...as loyal as they come. I actually kinda like who I am....but that has been a looooonnnnngggg time coming. 

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