Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Losing My Mind? Maybe, Maybe Not :)

You know those times when you are a stay-at-home mom and you find yourself in the middle of doing something REALLY less than sexy? Like...oh I don't know...scrubbing vomit out of the carpet while humming the Dora theme song? Stuff like that.

I really thought those days were long past.

I thought I was past the indignities of children blurting out random TMI or inappropriate observations about other adults around us.

I thought I was done wiping bottoms, noses, tying shoes.

But just today I found myself singing the following (TO MYSELF DURING MY PLANNING PERIOD):
The phone. The phone is ringing.
The phone. We'll be right there.
The phone. The phone is ringing.
There's an animal in trouble.
There's an animal in trouble.
There's an animal in trouble somewhere.

For those of you not hip enough to know, that's the Wonderpets theme. You know, these guys. 


I'm too cool for that. 

I listen to AUDIOSLAVE. I have a MASTERS DEGREE. I go to CROSSFIT. I BOX. I'm an INTELLECTUAL for goodness sake. 

Wonderpets?!? SMH.

And today I said all of the following things:
"Please don't use my shirt to wipe your nose"
"Go get your secret box"
"I don't know where that Lego has been"
"Don't eat glue"
"Yes, I do think it would hurt for someone to climb your hair"
"Please don't throw the peanut"
"You can't just throw the food you don't want on the floor and then say it is trash"
"You can turn into a cat and scratch me all you want, but you still have to get off the computer"

This could be the degradation of my mind....or the best time of my life. 

Who knew that I would get so much pleasure out of teaching these little people whose internal processors have gone haywire? Who knew that I was going to love being immersed in their world so much? Who knew that I was going to just live for those very fleeting moments when I actually get a split second of eye contact and hear those magical words, "Hi, Henry!" 

I really love my job. 

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